Seven steps to successful fundraising
Whatever the scale of the fundraising goal for your church, following this seven-step process will help you to get organised and improve your chances of success.
Key points for your church to consider around legacy giving.
Legacies are gifts that people leave in their wills that reflect their personal priorities. Over £2.7 billion is given to charitable causes in the UK every year through legacies¹, which can be an expression of someone’s faith; a sharing of their values; an act of love or a statement about how they want to be remembered.
Through generous legacies, thousands of people a year provide vital income that many organisations, including churches, rely upon to support their mission.
Legacy giving is growing in the UK, with more people considering leaving a gift in their will. And it is not just about a funding opportunity. It is a chance for churches to help their communities to reflect on the meaning of their lives and the impact they want to make for good.
Churches are well placed to support people with practical issues about the end of life, whether they leave charitable legacies or not. It is good to talk to people about making sure they have a will, have planned what they would like for their funeral and talked to their friends and relatives about their wishes.
To grow legacy giving in your church successfully, these key points should be considered:
It's important that you can convey a compelling reason why people should leave a legacy to your church.
First, be sure to take a little time to ‘step back’ and think strategically before thinking about the detail to support your legacy giving. We have created a template to help you think about the big picture of what you want your church (and any legacies left to your church), to achieve, so that you can convey a compelling reason why they should remember your church in their will.
1 Smee & Ford Legacy Trends report 2022 Smee & Ford White papers (