Managing health and safety in your church
Keeping all those involved with your church and its activities safe is very important. Nobody wants to see anyone suffer an injury.
Working at height can be dangerous and falls can often cause severe injuries. Our guidance helps to avoid falls and subsequent injuries.
As potential injuries resulting from falls from height can be very serious, it is very important that any work or access is properly planned, supervised and carried out by competent people.
The first step is to identify where work or access at height is required in your church. Some examples might include changing a light bulb, painting a wall or cleaning.
If you are an employer and the work will be carried out by a member of staff or a volunteer, suitable and sufficient measures should be in place to prevent accidents.
Please remember - ladders are dangerous if not securely fixed in place and should only be used for low-risk works unless you are hiring a professional.
Our guidance notes go into more detail about how to prevent falls from height in Methodist churches.