Trinity Methodist Church (Clacton)
Trinity Methodist Church is tackling issues of homelessness and poverty alongside the Salvation Army and other local churches.
Amount awarded: £50,000
The seaside resort, often considered as one of the most deprived areas in England, has a growing issue of homelessness and poverty which Trinity Methodist Church is tackling alongside the Salvation Army and other local churches.
Paul Playford, the Grants Officer for Benefact Trust, said: “Clacton is an area with extensive deprivation and the well-tended public gardens and attractive properties close to the seafront hide many social problems.’’
The funding will enable Trinity Methodist Church to expand its current outreach programmes by offering a day centre and community hub. This will create a safer environment to serve the needs of young families and community groups in the area, whilst providing much-needed facilities for the homeless; including washing amenities and a training kitchen where clients can learn valuable life skills.
Tendring Circuit Manager, Colin Tucker, who is involved in managing the finances of the project, said: “By giving the church a purpose and a mission in the community, we are hoping that the church will once again be seen as relevant.”